Bloggin’ Explorers

Our troop is a busy bunch. We’re always busy working, schlepping kids, volunteering, training for races…the madness never stops! When we do have free time, we talk Disney. And tweet Disney. And some of us even blog Disney!

If you’re looking for some Disney blogs to follow, check out our fabulous explorer blogs. Each trooper in the Dis-Explorers brings their own unique specialty and expertise, and our blogs are no different.

DCLheaderlogo-2-1024x385A sister site to WDW Prep and DLR Prep, DCL Prep School is a comprehensive guide to every aspect of Disney cruising. Mel will help you plan your trip, enjoy ship entertainment, and provide tips & tricks for each cruise stop.


Milford on the Move! covers all kinds of Disney topics…usually ahead of the curve. As a travel agent, Milford gets the inside scoop on breaking Disney news, park offerings, and cruise line updates.

When he’s not helping you keep up with Disney news, Milford also reviews Disney restaurants, and posts yummy pictures that will make you crave some Mickey-shaped snacks.

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Adrianne is known as the troop’s Jedi Master Trip Planner, and she shares her expertise on WDW Bound. This blog is a love letter to Disney World, and any park visitor will be thankful for Adrianne’s tips and tricks.

cropped-logo-1Disney has TONS of princesses, but did you know it has a duchess?  Check out Jessica’s attraction and restaurant reviews, touring tips, park history, and Jessica’s favorite topic: the tiniest of details to find and appreciate.

Two of our explorers don’t blog, but you can still chat with them about all things Disney on Twitter!

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