Flynn Rider is a classic Disney character; he’s a rebellious adventurer who learns compassion and falls in love throughout his journey. But one thing that never changes: his sass. Here are just a few of our favorite sassy Flynn Rider moments fromĀ Tangled.
Rapunzel: Who are you, and how did you find me?
Flynn: I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say…hi. How ya doin’?
Flynn Rider: All Right, Blondie.
Rapunzel: Rapunzel.
Flynn Rider: Gesundheit.
Thug: That’s a lot of hair.
Flynn Rider: She’s growing it out.
Flynn Rider: Where is my satchel?
Rapunzel: I’ve hidden it. Somewhere you’ll never find it.
Flynn Rider: It’s in that pot, isn’t it?
Rapunzel: I have made the decision to trust you.
Flynn Rider: A horrible decision, really.
[Rapunzel hears rustling in the bushes, and completely panics. It turns out to be a bunny.]
Flynn Rider: Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.
Rapunzel: Something brought you here, Flynn Rider. Call it what you will…fate…destiny…
Flynn Rider: A horse.
I LOL reading these gems. Thx for the chuckle.